
Sep 16, 2014

Lab hiking at Nihahi Ridge, Kananaskis. Photos

Aug 22, 2014

Our lab was successful in the recent CIHR grant competition. This grant will support our work on a zebrafish model of muscular dystrophy. UToday

Jan 21, 2015

Our lab receives an infrastructure grant from CFI. UToday ACHRI news

Jun 23, 2015

We receive the NSERC Discovery Grant to study cell signaling dynamics in spinal cord patterning.  UToday

Nov 25, 2014

Hong is profiled in the UMedicine Magazine. Read more

Jul 17, 2015

Our Olympus FV1200 confocal microscope is finally set up. Photo

Aug 7, 2015

Lab hiking at Barrier Lake, Kananaskis. Photos

Mar 14, 2016

Lab group pictures. Photos

July 8, 2016

Lab hiking at Powderface Ridge, Kananaskis. Photos

Feb 23, 2017

Roger is officially a PhD candidate. Congratulations!

Feb 28, 2017

Lab group pictures. Photos

Apr 24, 2017

The lab had some fun at the BMB Advance and Craig won the poster award. Photos

May 16, 2017

Craig becomes a PhD candidate. Congratulations!

Aug 15, 2017

Lab hiking at Rockbound lake. Photos

June 14, 2018

Tyler becomes a PhD candidate. Congratulations!

Aug 13, 2018

Lab hiking to Lillian and Galatea Lakes. Photos

May 1, 2018

Nabilah, Lucy and Helen join the lab for summer research. Welcome!

Nov 2, 2018

Roger's paper on tenocyte development is published on PLoS Genetics. Congratulations!

July 1, 2018

We welcome Arsheen, a new MSc student in the lab!

June 12, 2019

Priyanka's paper on embryonic muscle progenitor cells is acceepted by Development. Congratulations to all!

Aug 18, 2019

Craig's paper on cell signaling interaction during spinal cord patterning is acceepted by eLife. Congratulations!

Aug 2, 2019

Lab hiking to Rummel Lake. Photos

July 18, 2019

Our Development paper is selected as the cover article. Tyler's image is featured.


Nov 28, 2019

Our undergraduate student Nabilah won the Faculty of Science Award for her outstanding presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congratulations!

Dec 5, 2019

Tyler successfully defended his MSc Thesis today. He is the first student graduated from the lab. Congratulations!

Jan 22, 2020

Our lab receives a new 5-year grant from CIHR. Congratulations to all!

Feb 14, 2020

Lab winter hiking to Rawson Lake. Photos

Apr 27, 2020

Arsheen's latest work on perivascular fibroblasts is available on bioRxiv.

Apr 15, 2020

We submitted Craig's review paper on the crosstalk of Notch and Hedgehog siganling in CNS development.

May 4, 2020

We welcome Sue back to the lab for summer research!

June 24, 2020

Our lab is featured at the BMB Advance: Arsheen won the 2019 Carol Braat Award and Peng won the 2019 Jonathan Lytton Associate Professor Award! Congratulations!

June 23, 2020

Arsheen passes the candidacy exam and is now officially a PhD candidate! Congratulations!

Sep 1, 2020

We welcome Linjun and Aarti, two new PhD students to join our lab!

Sep 3, 2020

Craig's recent review on crosstalk of Notch and Hedgehog signaling is published on Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Congratulations!

Sep 28, 2020

Arsheen's paper on perivascular fibroblasts has been accetped by PLoS Genetics.


Feb 12, 2021

Roger successfully defended his PhD Thesis today. He is the first PhD student graduated from the lab. Congratulations!

Feb 15, 2021

We welcome Emilio, a new postdoc to join our lab!

May 1, 2021

We welcome Emily, Michelle and Rebecca to join the lab for summer research!

June 30, 2021

Craig successfully defended his PhD Thesis today. Congratulations! Photos

April 19, 2021

Roger's paper on fibroblast diversification is available on bioRxiv.

Sep 28, 2021

Nick joins our lab as a new MSc student. Welcome!

Oct 26, 2021

Craig's paper on Notch signaling timetable is available on bioRxiv.

May 16, 2022

Craig's paper on Notch signaling timetable in lateral floor plate development is accepted by Developmental Biology. Congratulations!!

July 13, 2022

We welcome Anja from Germany to join the lab for summer research!

Aug 20, 2022

Lab rafting on the Bow river. Photos

Aug 29, 2022

Our annual lab hiking is back! We hiked to the beautiful Bourgeau lake. Photos

July 12, 2022

Congratulations to Aarti for passing the candidacy exam!

Dec 12, 2022

Congratulations to Linjun for passing the candidacy exam!

Jan 2, 2023

Ahelee joined the lab as a new MSc student. Welcome!

April 19, 2023

Arsheen's paper on fibroblast plasticity and tenocyte regeneration is out on bioRxiv. Congratulations!

March 3, 2023

Our lab hiked to the beautiful Rawson Lake. Photos

March 14, 2023

Roger's paper on fibroblast diversification is accepted by Developmental Biology.


May 18, 2023

We welcome Mitacs students Adrija and Urbi joining the lab for summer research!

July 6, 2023

We had a lab party celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the lab! Photos

Aug 25, 2023

We hiked to the beautiful Vista Lake, Arnica Lake, and Upper Twin Lake. Photos

Oct 26, 2023

Arsheen successfully defended her PhD thesis today. Congratulations!!

Oct 2, 2023

Arsheen's paper on fibroblast plasticity is accepted by Science Advances. Congratulations!!

May 13, 2024

We welcome two undergraduate students, Erin and Mindy, joining us in the summer!

May 29, 2024

Several of our collaborative papers have been published in Science Advances, PLOS Biology, and eLife. Congratulations!

June 13, 2024

Nick successfully defended his MSc thesis. Congratulations!!

July 3, 2024

We welcome HYRS student Aysha joining us for summer research.

Aug 19, 2024

It is our annual lab hike. We hiked to the beautiful Stanley Glacier. Photos